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If you are homeless of facing eviction, please contact The Housing Link Hotline at 800-810-4434.


Facing Eviction or foreclosure, Contact the Credit Counseling Center, a non-profit based in Bucks County 


For assistance navigating the various social services available in Bucks County, reach out to The HUB. Phone: 215-348-6201          Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm  


PA 211   If you need to connect with resources in your community, but don’t know where to look, PA 211 is a great place to start. From help with a utilities bill, to housing assistance, after-school programs for kids, and more, you can dial 211 or text your zip code to 898-211 to talk with a resource specialist for free. Our specialists will listen to your needs, and give you information on programs in your community that might be able to help.


If you are struggling to pay a utility bill, have a heat emergency, please call the Bucks County LIHEAP office at 215-781-3393 or apply online


If you need assistance with weatherizing your home contact Bucks County Opportunity Council


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Our trained volunteers answer local Lifeline calls.


Veteran's Crisis Line:  1-800-273-8255, press 1

Bucks County Military Affairs:  215-345-3307

PA VETConnect: The objectives of PA VetConnect are to determine the needs of veterans and their beneficiaries, find resources that meet those needs, and connect veterans with those resources. Resource areas include benefits, employment, financial assistance, mental wellness and substance use, post-traumatic stress, and more. 


A Woman’s Place Hotline (Domestic Violence) – 1-800-220-8116


National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888


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